Reading Books/Writing Skills/Looking for Writing Inspiration? Check out this book!

Today I'm going to share a book that has a lot of meaning to me.「The ability to write」Fearless, passionate, and imaginative. The author is the godmother of British writing:伊莉絲‧華莫比達(Elise Valmorbida)。 this writing guide without secrecy. Take a writing course with the British Godmother of Writing now!

Through writing, you can learn to embrace love and your own vulnerability, and you will be able to better understand the past and all that moves you in the world.

Elise Valmorbida

Book Description:

How long has it been since you took composition classes as a student to finish an essay? Want to start a blog or satisfy your inner creative desire, but you can't get the word out? Through 100 creative clues, the British creative writing teacher Willmorebida will take you to see and write, write your inner imagination and write a happy life.


Continuing with what I wrote at the beginning: This book means a lot to me. Back when I didn't set up this website, I was just writing on the checkered platform and slowly accumulating the number of articles, but it was just like that: I was uninspired.

Every day after work, I turn on my computer, open the writing platform, and press a new page to write an article. I stared at the picture for a long time, but I didn't type the first word for a long time. I can't even think of how to write the title. It went on for days without inspiration and no new articles on the shelves, so I decided to go for a walk and see if I could get some inspiration. I like to go shopping in department stores, and I always go upstairs to the bookstore to read a book. On this day, I went to the bookstore to read the same book, and I happened to see the book in the process of searching for the book, but I didn't pick it up, but looked at it and walked away to go to other places with my boyfriend. But this book keeps coming to my mind:The ability to write

Just as I was about to go home, I suggested going back to the bookstore. As soon as I walked into the bookstore, I walked straight to the shelf where the book was placed, then picked up a copy of the writing skills, checked out, and went home to read.

The book's preface begins:Be brave enough to try your hand at writing.Looking at these big words, my head seems to be awakened, and I want to quickly see what is the writing skills of this writing godmother? I had a feeling that I could find the answer I was looking for from this book! And I'm glad I came back and bought the book.

I only knew that there were such writing books because I started blogging, and I thought that it would take a little skill and a lot of reading to read such books. It didn't! The author's text is very lively and easy to understand, the text is concise but the content is clear, and you can directly understand the meaning that the author wants to convey. What's more, each chapter is very distinctive, so you won't be bored at all to read! It will even make you wonder what kind of skills the author is going to teach you next because of the vivid text performance!

And one of the chapters is:【Love your notebook】。 The most important thing for writing is to have something around you to write down your inspiration at any time, and at this time you have a notebook to write down your creations, and you can take out the notebook to find your creative sense in the future. Even if it is your mobile phone, tablet, or computer, as long as you can record it at any time, it can become your future material book. After reading this chapter, I decided to prepare a notebook and put it in my bag, so that I could record what I saw, the interesting conversations I heard, and the inspirations that came to my mind. You can also smoothly handwrite and write by the way, after all, the modern society 3C products are very convenient, as long as you type you can chat with friends, send emails, etc., so that you used to remember how to write this word, and now suddenly hold the pen to write and find that some words can't remember how to write for a while. I think this is also a problem caused by the development of technology.

"The Skills of Writing" is divided into three parts:Part I: Warm upWhy do you write? Find the direction of the subject matter for your writing.Part II: Field Operations:When you understand the basics of writing and your own direction, start writing down your ideas and writing down your inspirations. Just write it right!Part 3: Write about a happy lifeAt this time, you only need to know one thing: write as much as you want, write boldly. Write your wonderful story, life, write wonderful words for your blog, book, and community, and use your imagination and creativity to write the story you want to create!

Tired? Then take a break and wait for the inspiration to continue writing!

To be honest, I don't have much inspiration these days, and whenever I find that I am not inspired, I will open the "The Art of Writing" and read, and in the middle of reading, the inspiration will automatically come to my door, and then continue to complete the progress just now. This book is definitely worth buying, and no matter how many times you read it, you will feel that you have something new to gain every time you read it! If you are also a creator, you can take a look at this one:The ability to write

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