Good Reading/The 20th Anniversary New Classic Edition of The Fourteenth Gate

I must say I was shocked when I opened the box and saw the book.

I often go to bookstores to find and buy books. Sometimes I will use the online ordering function if I can’t go to the bookstore, but then a problem will arise: [I don’t know what the condition of the book is】. This is a big problem for me, because I have a very strong sense of perfection in books. I can't tolerate any flaws in the book! Especially the creases make me go crazy 😂. I always place orders online at Eslite because I personally think Eslite’s packaging is better than Blog’s. They are all shipped in cartons and most of the books are unopened, but occasionally there are exceptions where opened books are shipped. At this time, I get perfectionistic and start checking carefully. Fortunately, the condition of the books is complete.

As I said in the first sentence, I was shocked by this book when I opened the box. Last month I bought three books and placed an order online. When I received them, they were just right, [20th Anniversary of the Fourteenth Gate】It has been opened. Then look carefully at the cover of this book.

At first I thought: Damn it! Could this be a flaw? Just when I was about to go crazy, I took a closer look at the cover. Oh! I'm an idiot and got it wrong! The scratches on the book correspond to the hand on the door.The point is: these scratches can really be felt! I could touch and grasp the door deeply, which gave me a sense of zero-field feeling at the moment. I could feel how hard this hand was grabbing the door. It also reminded me of the animation of The Fourteenth Gate.

Coraline]: Published on January 24, 2002, it has been published for 22 years. This book marks the 20th anniversary of its publication in 2023. The cover alone is very three-dimensional and makes readers more immersed in the story.

The protagonist is a girl named "Coroline" who moved to a new home with her family. It has an attic, a cellar, a garden, an ancient well, and two neighbors. One of them is a "crazy old man" who claims to train a rat circus. and "Miss Smith and Miss Fook," who were once stars, had a locked door in the house. Someday. When Coraline opened the door again, he found a long corridor inside. When he passed through, he found that the other end was actually [another home] and there was another mother and father, but their eyes were buttons...

Coraline I didn’t know about this animation until I watched it on TV. The animation is very good and it is a classic after all! I remember I saw it when I was in high school. At that time, I looked for it on the Internet after watching it. After searching for relevant information, I found that it was originally a novel published. But I didn't buy his novel back then. It wasn't until I saw the 20th anniversary edition this year that I wanted to buy a copy for my collection and learn about the original content and story.

After all, the animation is slightly different from the content of the novel. I will try not to bring the animation content into it when reading this book. The first thing I thought after watching it was: the animation is for children to watch. There are some plots in the novel that children may feel scared after reading. Even some book reviews at the back of the book said: This is a story book that will scare children after reading it. Children may not be able to sleep for several nights.

After reading this book, I really felt it was a classic. Can you imagine that one day a locked door appeared in your home? The first time you opened it, you saw it was sealed. When you opened the door the next time, the originally sealed wall disappeared and turned into a long strip. Did you feel like walking through the corridor? When you walked over, you saw the same scene as your home. It was so familiar. It was just walking through a long corridor, except that your family had weird buttons on their eyes and looked at you with a smile. Well, most people would probably run away in fear!

Is this book scary? I think maybe I have grown up and don’t think it is scary (but I love a lot of scary things), but from another perspective, the protagonist in the book is just a little girl, but he is not afraid of fear, An adventurous spirit that accepts challenges and loves adventure. I couldn't help but admire this girl's courage when he decided to play a game with another mother.

This is such a classic and good book, and it is very rewarding to read it. The content of the story seems a bit scary, but it makes people unable to put down the book. They want to continue to explore with Coroline, defeat the monsters in the book together and see the happy ending! Why not collect this good book!

If you go to a bookstore, you can look for this book, touch the cover of the book, and then imagine the hand on the cover grabbing the door hard, as if telling another mother that she can't catch Kou Luolin.

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