Mobile game/Pet Island livly island/Joint event Mrs. GREEN APPLE

Pet Island’s new joint event is here~ Following the last joint event with Sanrio, this time it is a joint event with Mrs. GREEN APPLE.

Now when you open the homepage of the game, there will be pictures of events. Whenever there is a holiday (Halloween, Christmas, etc.) the game will change the pictures related to the festival. Because of this, I can't put it down for Pet Island.

The first thing I saw when I entered the game was the joint event cover on the homepage. The entire green theme was full of the feeling of nature. There are three green livly pets below, which are the joint pets this time! The tree in the middle is called "Green Apple Tree". It is a tree species launched by this joint brand, and it is also an important fruit for making this pet!!

In addition to the different game covers, even the music has been changed to co-branded music! And it sounds pretty good. Many of my friends have changed their music to this joint music!

1. Joint theme: daily resonance

The theme of this joint name: daily resonance. You can find that the theme this time is colorful, and the most important green apple tree is also the item that players are looking forward to drawing!

In addition to co-branded themes, there are also limited-time job content. Whenever a limited job appears, you must seize the opportunity to complete the job! In addition to giving you game gold coins, there will also be gems.

Following the pace of previous Sanrio collaborations, although only one theme appears this time, there are three pets alone, and each one needs to rely on [green apple tree] fruits to make, each required fruit is [14 pieces】. Although this colorful theme is not my favorite style this time, so I will not draw this theme, so I rely entirely on the trees of Youlie to collect fruits, and I successfully made all three pets to complete the task. La~ After all, there are still a bunch of themes that are about to end waiting for me to draw... and it is difficult to save gold coins in this game (sweat.

2. Co-branded coin/lucky box path

There are now co-branded coins that can be used in lottery machines. The main ways to obtain coins are:Go to a friend's house to water water and pick fruits, which will be randomly dropped.

Sometimes when you water your own tree and pick fruits at your own home, gold coins will be randomly dropped. The dropped gold coins will be displayed in the gift box. As long as you return to your own island and collect the gold coins from the gift box, you can go to the lottery machine. Try your luck.

Return to the island and click [move] Then click on the right[event], it will automatically go toPath Area 8

This place has been modified into a happy place with a lottery machine. Click on the lottery machine to start the lottery and spend 5 joint gold coins at a time. In addition to game gold coins and gems, the prizes also include this joint prize. It all depends on your luck! So far, I have drawn HP recovery potions and right-hand accessories! But I am not worried!!

If my hands are black, I still have a boyfriend who can help me pump them🤣

These are the products in the lottery machine, and one item is randomly selected every time you draw. I personally find GP difficult to smoke. Instead, I keep drawing HP recovery potions, but in this way I can use the potions to restore HP, and then continue to water water and pick fruits at Youlie's house~.

3. Joint store

Joint store opened inPath Area 7, but there are new products added every Monday, the most important thing is this time:Unlimited inventory. This is really a great boon. Due to the inventory limitations of some previously released limited products, coupled with the constant emergence of events and the continuous appearance of themes, it is difficult to collect gold coins in the game itself. Plus not everyone can afford tuition fees. As a result, as soon as the product appeared, it was bought up by the big money guys and players with a lot of small accounts. This led to the problem that players who really like this product, gamers without classes, and office workers who can't open the game immediately can't buy it. .

This result has caused dissatisfaction among many players, although [limited edition products] There will definitely be such a problem. How to improve this problem. I believe it is a problem that many game companies will face. Whenever this problem occurs, the game will receive complaints from players, and it will not take long before the official increase in the number of games will be seen. , but adding it does not mean the problem is solved. However, the official thing is that they will respond to players' requests.

In short, this joint store has no upper limit on inventory, and this time it also directly announced new products that will be updated every Monday. I think this is why the game company hopes that players who really like a certain product will have enough time to prepare game gold coins. Wait for the release time to purchase your favorite items.

I am very much looking forward to the appearance of the mini livly on 6/24. This is a roaming creature on the island that will walk around freely on your island. There is currently a snail roaming on my own island. I hope I can help him this time. Find a good friend and walk on my island together, accompanied by livly pets.

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