Acorn Republic/Hidden Girl 150 pieces of oil house puzzle unboxing

It's September~ I'm super happy to have it this month『Beetlejuice Beetlejuice』It's going to be released!! I've been waiting for this for a long time and will finally watch it with my boyfriend this week~ I hope the sequel can be as exciting and classic as the first episode, and I look forward to what kind of surprises director Tim Burton will bring us!!

Back to today's topic, I bought a little puzzle of the Hidden Girl after my last trip to the Acorn Republic and it took me a few hours to finally put it together! Now let's take a look at the finished product.

Mine is:The Hidden Girl - Oil House。 The contents are: 150 puzzle pieces, puzzle frames. There is no need to buy a puzzle directly with the frame, and now there are various pieces of puzzles to choose from, including puzzles up to 1,000 pieces and three-dimensional puzzles. I love puzzles myself, but I don't have much time to put them together when I'm busy, and I take a long 🤣 time to complete puzzles, sometimes it takes 2-3 days to complete, but I'm always happy when I finish them! Look at the finished product Everything is worth it

The frame attached to the Hidden Girl - Oil House is red, if you want other colors, you can look at the colors available in the store to choose! The classic oil house scene with Chihiro's back, the finished product is really super good-looking!! I thinkacorn republicThe puzzles are full of colors and great materials! And it's very tight and not easy to fall apart. The most important thing is that there are many types of works, and you can find your favorite Ghibli works.

Put the overall appearance of the stand, and put it on the table just right without taking up space. It makes me want to buy more small puzzles from other series to put together and display on the cabinet! And I found out that they have a style of White Dragon and Chihiro! Next time I'm going to buy it~

acorn republicThere are two in Taichung: one on the 6th floor of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi and the other on the 3rd floor of the LaLaport North Building. And there is also a little chinchilla in the LaLaport store! The first time I went, there was a fireplace showing Cassifer! It makes you feel like you're in Hall's castle for a second.

This time, I mainly share the small puzzle of the hidden girl oil house, and I'm going to see the Archmage of the Beetlejuice Beetlejuice tomorrow~ Finally, the official website of the Acorn Republic is attached, you can buy goods on the official website!

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